
About a girlNirvana
Basket caseGreen Day
Beds are burningMidnight Oil
Blauwthe Scene
Bohemian Like YouDandy Warhols
Fake Plastic TreesRadiohead
Fortunate SonCreedence Clearwater Revival
Go With the FlowQueens of the Stone Age
Hard to HandleBlack Crowes
HeroesDavid Bowie
Hey Hey My MyBilly Talent (Neil Young cover)
If You Could Only SeeTonic
Learn to FlyFoo Fighters
Loud Like LovePlacebo
ParanoidBlack Sabbath
Psycho KillerTalking Heads
Rocking in the Free WorldNeil Young
Saturday NightHerman Brood and his Wild Romance
Selling the DramaLive
She Sells Sanctuarythe Cult
Should I Stay or Should I Gothe Clash
So LongFisher-Z
Song 2Blur
The One I LoveR.E.M.
Three Pistolsthe Tragically Hip
Twilight ZoneGolden Earring
Wanted Manthe Last Internationale
When I come aroundGreen Day
Will We Talk?Sam Fender
Setlist wordt voortdurend vernieuwd. Stay tuned! (*deze staan in the fridge 🙂